
Showing posts from August 25, 2013

Liferay In Action and Technology of the Year

Liferay is an Open source Content Management System written in Java and distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License and other optional commercial licenses.It is an Powerful portal that provides corporate intranets and extranets services. Liferay In Action tells all about Liferay ,its Features,facts,Liferay project and products and community resources that can help a Liferay Developer to understand in Depth all about Liferay. Liferay is Java-based and have various features like: 1 . Multiple Programming Language extension : Multiple Programming plugins that means we can make use of our python,php,Ruby on rails skills too to make web-application more effective and powerful. 2. Security : Web application made by Liferay is more secure with more security provided in it with validations and various checkpoints. 3. Faster Access and Use time: Web application take very less second to executes and faster processing of feedbacks and responses. 4. Comes Wi...